Thursday, December 25, 2008
Countdown to the New Year
And so ends the year of 2008. Bonds made and broken, lessons learnt and mistakes made.
And what is to become of us when we leave 'the veritable garden where everything comes easy'?
This Christmas is the last one I'll be spending with the people I've grown up in Hamilton with, whom I know inside and out and dont wish to part with. New years mean new beginnings but its so hard to leave the life you have now. Sometimes it feels like whenever things start to settle and become fixed and constant someone has to come and stir the pot and make me get up off my seat.
And while I was wrapping my Christmas presents a few days back I had one of those -a spark goes in your head- epiphany moments when I just realised that everyone was 1 year away from finishing High School, which is supposedly the rite of passage to adulthood. And I couldnt stop thinking about what will happen in the future... In 5 years, where will everyone in High School be? No one really took High School seriously but when you think about it, every adult you know has been to High School. Whether they got through or got caught 'doing coke lines in the urinal'. And that's what made them who they are now, whether they realised that at the time or not.
And now I feel really, really old as if suddenly someone put me on the time lapse photography like that guy called Noah on Youtube. When you're an adult you're alone, except that you're constantly surrounded by people. I already miss my warm bed.
This New Year I'm going to make the same default 2 resolutions I make every year: study hard and lose weight, they're pretty much welded to my brain. And I wonder what other people wish for themselves to do, such as the cliche'd enjoy life more, or help people, or get organised. hbjlxdf
whooooops, drifted off to sleep there. Good thing my laptop broke my heads fall with a nice thump, thats going to cost me a few braincells
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
When the lion fell in love with the lamb
Yes, I've hopped on the bandwagon. The one swollen and saturated with squealing hormonal teenaged girls. I actually kind of liked Twilight, it was I suppose refreshing, to have the theme of forbidden love intertwined with bloodlust fantasy set in a 'typical' american high school life. Some bits are just sickly sweet to the point of it leaving a bitter aftertaste i.e.
Edward:”Besides,friends don’t let friends drive drunk.”
Edward:”You’re intoxicated by my very presence.”
and I predict it has something to do with the author being in the middle of a midlife crisis being like my high school love life was dried up and unsatisfactory, I'll just exaggerate my own fantasies after I get married and have children to the point of no return!
And the character of Edward is beyond words. And my English teacher was right, he's the oldfashioned admirable gentleman that doesn't absorb all the nasties the world (coughcough MTV) presents to young boys such as arrogance, dirty manners, rudeness to girls, immaturity, unfaithfulness the list goes on; and hes an unrealistic benchmark for other boys of this era to aim for. Then again he is like 90 years old, and would hold out doors for poor fragile girls as if by reflex. And even though Bella Swan is the main protagonist of the story, there are a billion more Edward fansites on the internet that cater to 'both girl and boy fans' like this one Edward Cullen - Every Girl's Dream [ insert drooling and glazed eyes here ] And 'Cedric Diggory' isnt even THAT attractive, he just has a protruding bone structure and a tall gargantuan build. His eyebrows bother me.
You know you're obsessed with the Twilight Series when:
1. you download every song from Stephanie Meyers playlist and listen to them non-stop on your iPod.
2. you dream about it every night.
3. you want to go to Forks for your spring break.
4. you squeal every time you see a silver Volvo, even if it's not your favorite car.
5. you cringe whenever you hear/see Edward's or Bella's name and it has nothing to do with Stephenie Meyer.
6. you've ceased to believe that vampires actually have fangs or any weakness. And you believe all vampires must be inherently hot.
7. you're counting down the minutes until Breaking Dawn comes out.
8. you quote lines from the books for use in your everyday speech.
9. you solidly believe your boyfriend is a vampire simply on the basis that he's sexy.
10. you refer to your ideal boyfriend as an "Edward."
11. you pre-order your copy of Breaking Dawn at Barnes & Noble.
12. you name your characters after the Twilight characters.
13. you cry because your father used New Moon as a coaster for his drink
14. you count down the days till Edwards birthday 60 days before it starts. (June 20th)
15. a love song comes on and you immediately think of Edward and Bella.
16. you have bought both the audio books.
17. you have bought t-shirts from
18. you relate even the weirdest things to the book.
19. you carry the books with you.
20. you go to Forks.
21. you almost faint when you first saw the cover of Eclispe.
22. you think you can feel Edward beside you while you're reading(or just doing nothing at all).
23. you talk to nothing but think you're talking to Edward.
24. you stay locked in your room until you've read it over a million times.
25. you start talking to it (the book).
26. you talk to your friends about it...even though they have no idea what you're talking about!
27. you ask them how you know you love the Twilight series even though they STILL don't know what you're talking about.
28. you sleep with the book cradled in your arms.
29. while talking to your friends, they mention something that reminds you of Twilight, and you mutter a joke for Twilight-lovers with super hearing and start laughing your head off.
30. you are highly considering naming your future children the characters names.
31. in class, you relate every project to something in the book.
32. the name Edward becomes your new favorite guy name.
33. you didn't let anybody else touch your books.
34. you and your boyfriend call each other "Edward" and "Bella".
35. you sit on the roof of your house every night waiting for Edward to come.
36. you name random people at your school the characters' names.
37. you wish for them not to make a Twilight movie because it could never be as good as the book but still want to see it.
38. you start failing in school because either your reading the Twilight Series. Or you are thinking about Edward and his family.
39. you make a protective cover for your twilight to ensure that you never leave your copy of Twilight when it goes with you to yours friend's house.
40. you create a debate in class over Edwards "perfection"
41. you and your friends try to guess the entire plot to Breaking Dawn.
42. you refer to it as "The Black and Red Bible"
43. you start imagining scenes from the books in your head before you go to bed.
44. you try to compare a lot of things to the book.
45. your cry at sad parts of the book... Even though you've read it 20 times.
If you agreed, laughed at, or even remotely understood at least 10 of these, you are obsessed with the Twilight series. XD
^ that was copied and pasted from the website, all rights reserved to my own personal usage :P
I'm still going to see the movie when it comes out on Boxing day. Not for Robert Pattison of course...
Thursday, November 20, 2008
I love Pop Psychology
To do the test you must give your honest opinion about morals and honesty of the four characters in our story of Sherwood forest.
Forget any preconceived ideas you may about them - this is a different sort of story from all the others.
The sheriff of Nottingham captured Little John and Robin Hood and imprisoned them in his maximum security dungeon. Maid Marion begged the Sheriff for their release, pleading her love for Robin. The Sheriff agreed to release them only if Maid Marion spent the night with him.
To this she agreed.
The next morning the Sheriff released his prisoners. Robin asked that Marion tell him how she persuaded the Sheriff to let them go free.
Marion told the truth, and was bewildered when Robin said that he never wanted to see her again.
At this Little John defended her, inviting her to leave Sherwood with him and promising life-long devotion. She accepted and they rode away together.
Now in terms of realistic every-day standards of behavior, put Robin, Marion, Little John and the Sheriff in the order in which you consider they showed the most morality and honesty (from most moral to least moral).
There is no "right" answer. What follows is an analysis based on which of the 24 possible arrangements you chose.
Who did you list first? Robin, Marion, Sheriff, or Little John?
Little John, Maid Marion, Robin Hood, The Sheriff
You are fairly broadminded, romantic and reasonably contented. You value kindness greatly and try to live by your ideals. You do not conceal from yourself, or from others, your strong need for security, which may be either emotional or material.
Men: Perhaps you tend to idealize women and credit them with virtues they don't possess.
Women: Your experiences of men have not all been happy, perhaps because you hope for a little too much?
This combination represents 15% of total, 15% of men and 16% of women
Little John, Maid Marion, The Sheriff, Robin Hood
You are the slightly romantic realist. You respect truth, and are broadminded and flexible. Whether you are a man or a woman you are probably a happy person. You like people and they can readily make friends with you. You are not very adventurous, but this does not bother you.
This combination represents 10% of total, 9% of men and 10% of women
Little John, Robin Hood, Maid Marion, The Sheriff
You are a cautious type, neutral, and rather insecure. You would agree with the idea that everybody has his price - and in your own case it would not be high.
Men: You are sexually inhibited with an underlying distrust of women.
Women: At least one man has made you unhappy, and you are now on your guard.
This combination represents 6% of total, 6% of men and 5% of women
Little John, Robin Hood, The Sheriff, Maid Marion
You are not easy to assess. Basically you are ruled by an inferiority complex and feelings of insecurity. How do you present yourself to the world? An idealist, a moralist, a conformist keeping up with the Joneses?
Men: Your conflicting views on sex and morality may lead to every sort of sexual problem. You have always feared women, probably starting with your mother.
Women: It is a shame you have not accepted the ideal of woman as the equal (and sometimes stronger) partner of man.
This combination represents 2% of total, 2% of men and 2% of women
Little John, The Sheriff, Maid Marion, Robin Hood
You too, believe that morality is another word for commonsense and suitability, and not something which is universally valid or a religious truth. Your feeling for security is strong, and you would rate reliability as one of your virtues.
Men: Your estimate of women as the inferior sex suggests that you are a little uncertain of them.
Women: You are more permissive about the morals of others than you are about your own.
This combination represents 3% of total, 2% of men and 3% of women
Little John, The Sheriff, Robin Hood, Maid Marion
You are conventional, unimaginative, and something of a prude. It would be surprising if your love life was a roaring success.
Men: You have an old-world authoritarian attitude. One thing is sure: you have some sorry illusions about women.
Women: You accept a double standard of morality in which women are very much the "second sex."
This combination represents 1% of total, 1% of men and 1% of women
Maid Marion, Little John, Robin Hood, The Sheriff
We would expect you to be a happy, well-balanced person who likes people and is liked by others. You question whether many conventional views on morality are valid under all circumstances.
Men: Do we detect a sense of chivalry and idealism under the sophistication?
Women: You will expect high standards from the men to whom you give your love.
This combination represents 13% of total, 13% of men and 12% of women
Maid Marion, Little John, The Sheriff, Robin Hood
You are essentially a contented person, even if you consider yourself a little superior. You are moral by your own standards, for you believe that morality is what best suits the occasion.
Men: You are sexually uninhibited, more romantic than you may appear, and more dependent on the approval of others than you care to admit.
Women: You like being a woman, you understand what love is, and frankly enjoy sex.
This combination represents 10% of total, 9% of men and 11% of women
Maid Marion, Robin Hood, Little John, The Sheriff
If you are not happy - and we suspect you are not - it maybe because you feel guilty about your own emotions, and lack confidence in your opinions.
Men: No doubt you consider yourself a moral man, and a fair one. Your fuzzy ideas about morality may make their mark on your sex life.
Women: You are too concerned about what others think.
This combination represents 4% of total, 4% of men and 4% of women
Maid Marion, Robin Hood, The Sheriff, Little John
You know the so-called facts of life, but not to enjoy life itself. You are not a realist and you are inclined to be stubborn.
Men: Women, you think, are either good or bad, and you overestimate the differences between the sexes. A woman may find you difficult to live with.
Women: You are not sure whether truth and morality go hand in hand or are in opposition. You don't hold a very high opinion of men.
This combination represents 1% of total, 2% of men and 1% of women
Maid Marion, The Sheriff, Little John, Robin Hood
Such an emphatic rejection of ready-made values is probably partly camouflage. You hate to be thought weak or insecure. You value honesty, and abhor hypocrisy.
Men: Women are very much part of you life, and you are - or perhaps would like to be - quite ruthless, both with women and life in general.
Women: You are tolerant about men and their failings - but we mean men, for you have no time for boys on men's errands.
This combination represents 3% of total, 3% of men and 3% of women
Maid Marion, The Sheriff, Robin Hood, Little John
You associate morality with honesty and truth more than with religious values. You are impulsive and somewhat unpredictable.
Men: We suspect that you are a would-be lover rather than a very successful one.
Women: You are a realist and a rebel, a defender of women's rights. You like men but despise weak ones.
This combination represents 2% of total, 1% of men and 2% of women
Robin Hood, Little John, Maid Marion, The Sheriff
You are a moralist with conventional ideas, which some people would call old-fashioned.
Men: You probably consider yourself a fair-minded man in a world which falls badly below your standards. Your inhibitions and sense of guilt are in the way of your happiness.
Women: Unlucky in love? Perhaps you hope for too much in a man. Be a realist, not a romantic.
This combination represents 5% of total, 5% of men and 5% of women
Robin Hood, Little John, The Sheriff, Maid Marion
You are conventional and puritanical.
Men: You moralize and see women as a great conspiracy against man, with sex as their principal weapon. You are missing a great deal in life.
Women: Your parents probably played a big part in the formation of such a guilt complex as yours. Your mind is in chains and it's time you did something to free it.
This combination represents 2% of total, 2% of men and 3% of women
Robin Hood, Maid Marion, Little John, The Sheriff
Your philosophy of life is a sad hotchpotch of the conventions of society, your own convictions and romanticism. You are not unkind, only staid and unimaginative.
Men: You see women as weak but desirable.
Women: You resent the arrogance of men.
This combination represents 4% of total, 4% of men and 3% of women
Robin Hood, Maid Marion, The Sheriff, Little John
You find it hard to accept the permissive attitudes of others, or to convince them of the validity of your own standards. You are not disposed to trust people.
Men: To you "love" involves sex and duty, rather than charity and forgiveness.
Women: You blame men for the problems in your life.
This combination represents 2% of total, 2% of men and 1% of women
Robin Hood, The Sheriff, Little John, Maid Marion
You have a very chauvinistic and outdated outlook on life. Your values and principles are defined not by clarity of conscience but by popular beliefs.
Men: You see women as objects and possessions. You demand complete loyalty and devotion without offering it in return.
Women: You see yourself as having only one purpose in life - to satisfy your man. You lack self definition as you derive all of who you are from him.
This combination represents 3% of total, 3% of men and 3% of women
Robin Hood, The Sheriff, Maid Marion, Little John
Men: As a ruthless authoritarian you are as moral as it suits you and no more. You do not apply the same rules to men as you do to women.
Women: How worthless you seem to think women are.
This combination represents 2% of total, 2% of men and 2% of women
The Sheriff, Little John, Maid Marion, Robin Hood
You have a confused, immature sense of values. You are erratic and stubborn, and inclined to get angry or sulk when you don't get your own way, but at least you are not a moral hypocrite.
Men: "Love 'em and leave 'em" is the motto of a man who is basically afraid of women.
Women: Perhaps you would rather be a man than a woman?
This combination represents 2% of total, 2% of men and 2% of women
The Sheriff, Little John, Robin Hood, Maid Marion
Not a moralizing pattern, but..
Men: You share with many other men the idea that most women are fickle and inferior to men. Perhaps a view that you got from your father, or as a reaction to a domineering mother.
Women: You have a pretty poor opinion of yourself, haven't you?
This combination represents 1% of total, 1% of men and 1% of women
The Sheriff, Maid Marion, Little John, Robin Hood
You claim to be a realist or even a cynic, but you are more emotional, romantic, and truthful.
Men: Although you are by no means inhibited, your amorous adventures are as much a matter of fantasy as fact.
Women: You have been hurt in the past by men, or one man in particular, and will probably let it happen again.
This combination represents 3% of total, 3% of men and 3% of women
The Sheriff, Maid Marion, Robin Hood, Little John
If you are not living a happy life, the cause is within yourself. You are a rebel with a trace of spoilt child about you. You value truth above morality, but you are reasonably tolerant of those who disagree with you.
Men: Any problems you have are not likely to be centered in sex.
Women: Despite your experience and intelligence, you are a bad judge of men.
This combination represents 2% of total, 2% of men and 3% of women
The Sheriff, Robin Hood, Little John, Maid Marion
Although you make a brave show of being self-sufficient, beneath this you are unhappy and rather mixed up.
Men: You don't understand women - probably you are afraid of them. You do not know what love is, and you are more likely to boast about your conquests in a bar than prove them in a bedroom.
Women: If men attract you at all, they probably are the wrong sort.
This combination represents 2% of total, 3% of men and 2% of women
The Sheriff, Robin Hood, Maid Marion, Little John
Men: The warmth and give-and-take of love are not for you. Your sex life is ringed with unreality, and you neither understand nor appreciate women.
Women: If you really believe this is the right order, you baffle us completely.
This combination represents 3% of total, 3% of men and 2% of women
I took the free personality test! "Wishes to find her stimulation in a voluptuous atm..."
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Yes you've read right, 'phryngitis'. A man who's supposedly been to Otago medical school and all that fluff in between can't spell. Sure he's just having a bad day but thats simply inexcusable for him to be venting to a patient!
So picture this: I'm going to the Hillcrest Medical Centre in my daddy's shiny red car, and they tell me they're all full up with appointments with every doctor except Dr Ahmed whom I've never heard of in the entire time I've been to Hillcrest Medical Centre. I didn't picture it to be seedy at all nooo... And then im there sitting on the sterile like patients chair in the clinic and im feeling awful and probably looking it too (considering I'm rather ill its nto surprising) and he is bold enough to ask me all these personal questions like what i want to be when I leave school.
Then fully goes into a rant about how his life sucks and one should never be a Doctor. Ladedah, no opportunity for expansion et cetera, patients filing for litigation and bad treatment et cetera , and i was sitting there thinking:
Can I get my drugs now?
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Procrastination and other facts of life
Not just any exam
But a Cambridge exam
the exam for those who are elite
and privelleged enough to take it.
Currantly I'm in my mother's study, supposedly studying but failing. Fail is an interesting word, it can rouse anxiety and despair in some, while others revel in using it ---> see for an example. I'd rather not fail if all possible, it would mean being on the lower half of the bell curve where 50% of the rest of the population lie, which is mediocre. And I'd rather not be associated with mediocrity, I'd rather not that whenever others think of me the word mediocre is the first word to pop up in their heads instead of much more favourable words like pioneer, or belligerent, or girl. I'd rather not be famed as "most likely to be mediocre" in the school yearbook.
Moral of the story? Don't try unless you know you'll succeed?
There's a disturbing amount of dust on this keyboard of my mothers. I'll be sure to tell her that.
The 7th formers in my bio class were talking about graduating which is something which I won't experience for another 2 years... not sure whether that's a good thing or not cause I'd looove to escape right now and be free, but then when I really think about it I'd have to cook and clean for myself, and actually pay for things which is not the most pleasant thing. The thing is, I like living with my parents who do every thing for me which leaves me with more time to procrastinate and write pointless blogs like this one. Ahh, such bliss is teenagehood, the turbulent transition between an idyllic childhood and a harsh but liberal adulthood . We know that the world sucks but we can't do anything about it, we're trapped in a little box of parental expectations and limited social experiences.
BTW everyone's obsessed with the Twilight series! I'll have to add it to my list of books to read along with Gone with the Wind, Pride and Prejudice, The Time Traveller's Wife, and an innumerable amount more, like Kerri's Mum's book about the Children of God which I still haven't read yet. If you're reading this Kerri, I'll return it to you possibly in the next few months or years.
-Procrastination - stress from doing nothing
Monday, October 27, 2008
As I promised, photos!!!!!!

Why, mama, you look ridiculous in that stupid hat! And I don't care much for your dumb dress neither, Cecily. -- Cambridge English forever!!!!! Importance of Being Earnest
A particularly significant event in my period of hiatus

Sunday, October 26, 2008
Last post in.... July! *blinks*

Sunday, July 13, 2008
Long time no post
Its just over a month till my 17th Birthday, not the most significant age of them all but its the year in between being 16 and 18 so some big decisions will have to be made during this time which require my own maturity and a bit of self control :P
I've come to understand that life is short and although I've technically only lived out less than a quarter of my life expectancy I've learnt an immense amount from my experiences which can only help me in the future in whatever we choose to do. And like what movies and tv and books and music and everyone else tells us, we should live every day to its full instead of worrying about whether we're 'wearing clean underwear' before being hit by a bus. That doesn't mean I should accept and welcome death at this age o_O I am only 16 after all.
So to be annoyingly non-conformist, I'm conforming to the non-conformist ideal to do everything out of the usual box for 'my kind' so I'm taking a full good year away from schooling to pursue a costly but worthy experience that will only enrich my understanding and appreciation for the world and all who inhabit it. My parents being the most wonderful people on the face of this world who made me *beams* fully support me and wish me the best of luck for my foreign student exchange to France halfway through next year.
I'll be leaving halfway through 7th form sadly missing graduation with my own year (boohoo) as well as the ball and any other social experiences with them (cries louder) but I'll get to graduate in France and what could possibly be better than that?
Thursday, June 19, 2008
It would really really suck to live in South Auckland right now
* Three murders
Saturday June 7: Navtej Singh, 30, is shot during a robbery of his business Riverton Liquor in Riverton Rd, Manurewa. He died in Middlemore Hospital the next night.
Wednesday June 11: Yang Yin Ping, 80, is attacked in her Manurewa home and left inside a wardrobe. She died from her injuries on Saturday afternoon.
Monday June 16: Joanne Wang, 39, is run over by a vehicle as she protested over her handbag being stolen in Manukau. She died early yesterday.
Life of a liquor store owner is tough too believe it or not. They depend on the success of their business for the future of their children and Navtej Singh had two children who were both under 10. He picks the poorer areas with worse crime because they bring the most customers. It makes sense doesn't it. But how much is a life? A life is certainly not worth the $2000 worth of prepaid phone cards that were burgled from the shop. A life is certainly not worth a handbag, whatever was in it.
But residents of Manakau like the place they live and don't want the media to tarnish where they've grown up in just because of a few pot stirrers terrorising innocent people.
"Manukau is the best place to bring up children because we have lots of places to go to and with the costs of living going up a lot of these places are cheap or sometimes free. We have the airport, Butterfly Creek, Ambury Farm, botanical gardens, Rainbows End, libraries, the biggest flea market in New Zealand, big malls, creeks, Totara park, Telstra Clear Stadium, Mangere fun pools the list is endless. Most importantly the people that live in Manukau are proud to be here and have a strong community spirit. Don't let a few bad headlines and people ruin our image. "
And on the other hand, its really not that bad when you compare globally. At least in this instance it's not a mass political killing or any scary fluff like that. New Zealand is pretty mild. And although it has one of the highest crime rates per capita, we're still relatively low on serious murder charges and things that really tingle your spine with fear at night. And as "Paul" of Auckland says:
"I've lived in manurewa all my life. It's alright and I feel safe here. Id agree we're probably a crime capital of New Zealand but that doesn't matter cos New Zealand has hardly any crime. Imagine if New Zealand actually punished criminals (im not even talking death just suitable sentances) and cops actually did work rather than handing out traffic offence tickets! We'd have the least crime in the world."
Hopefully its going to get better from now on in Manakau. It's now illegal for youth to tag which is super because they'll get fined anything from $200 - $2000 from anything as simple as a vivided scribble on a bus, and spray paints can only be bought by people over 18. I pity the juniors who still have science fair boards to paint! But I think as soon as the Manakau mayor recovers from his heart bypass surgery things will be hunky dory and we'll hear no more terrible news from South Auckland.
One of the downstairs boarders we found was very obviously pregnant so we have decided to up her rent by $10 for reasons of inflation, price of living, etc we told her. Secretly tho its cause another person is living in the flat and not being charged! We wish her good luck on her uneasy and clandestine road to motherhood. May she come prepared with lots of nappies!
Sadly our gym ball of 2 and a bit years from a guilty boxing day shopping spree had burst from rolling onto our heater. Queer situation really, we were all occupied with the television so no one had realised that it mysteriously on its own accord rolled over toward the heater and burnt its backside to a crisp. Its now seriously warped with a huge hole on its underside and my brother's distraught as it was his favourite piece of furniture (certainly beats the $2000 leather couches!) so we're going to have a proper burial and a newer better replacement.
I'm currently supposed to be working on my bio report, although I cannot see any biological benefits for stretching your leg bones, so my page is whitey white filled with invisible ideas that will never quite materialise. Darn NCEA and its criteria needing concrete evidence and sourcing throughout the entire essay. Its distracting to the actual writing, and its not like I'll be leaving school and doing nothing but wikipedia'ing for my sources of info. Even my English teacher said only a University student would understand the complexity of standard based assessment. Its loop upon loop of rules and exeptions, standards, and achievement. It all makes no sense that to ace NCEA you need to learn how to ace the assessment than ace the topic you're learning.
And I have yet again dreamed up a far fetched plan that no one likes the sound of and I myself think I'm a bit mad for even thinking it up, but it should be fun to try and carry it out, if my will power takes me that far. All will be revealed if I decide to continue on with it. In the meantime I'll have to keep everyone in suspense...
PS: Smokefree Rockquest tomorrow night! Can't wait! I'm bringing my red carpet clothes i.e. tshirt and jeans.
PPS: I'll upload photos soon, my excuse is its too cold outside and my mums office is too far. Plus im busy all weekend obviously (blatant scorn)
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
One down, 2718 to go.
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
World Environment Day June 5
Exams are over!!!!!!!!
I'm so happy I'm smiling! 18 more months to go! Whoo! Time flies when you're having fun waiting for your teeth to be free.
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
Technically, I should be studying

I guess I should return to my revision. The digital clock is ticking to 8.30 tomorrow and my page should be filled with ray diagrams, not scribbles of lemon grilled fish .
Thursday, May 29, 2008
That was a brief hiatus women in science. Women are underrepresented in science. Yes. But why do the more successful ones faintly and distantly (I'm trying not to get e-bashed [I made that up its a neologism {or coinage depending on which english teacher you had ...HEY triple paranthesis!}]) resemble the other sex? Apart from that Pardis Sabeti but she's young and an anthropologist (irrepectful scoff).
And wow! I never knew this existed but it'll probably come to MTV soon:
The Big Bang Theory is a sitcom that features a couple of socially awkward yet brilliant male physics postdocs who live across the hall from a sociable "blond bombshell" actress/waitress of "average intellect." And of course one of the geeky geniuses finds love with his hot non-genius neighbor.
Yay! Kinda reminiscient of the Beauty-and-the-Geek related series. I feel sorry for the blonde. Leonard, plyaed by Johnny Galecki, is the experimentalist who longs for [actress/waitress] Penny and has a disastrous fling with Leslie, a brilliant labmate, who spends part of their tryst correcting an equation. In the episode in which Leonard firs asks Leslie for a date – "a biosocial exploration with a neurochemical overlay," he calls it – the two test how long it takes a powerful lab laser to heat up soup.
And biology is still the field of choice in science for women :( it would be interesting to see more girly faces in maths computers and physics halls of fames.

But! More good hot steaming stuff to dig into if you're into it: there is a bio blog ! for secondary students to look at if they like bio and want to do it at University level. Stuff from extinct Tasmanian Tiger DNA to larger than life frogs , I can't be more into 'life' than this!
Life is...

And as the weather outside gets colder the electricity bills skyrocket, so does the price of fresh fruit and veg. How do they expect us to get enough vit C, D, K, A, zzzzzzzzzzzzz... to up our immune systems if we could buy some pills for that for probably cheaper. As I'm typing makeshift icicles are forming on the end of my fingers and my Warehouse column heater creaks with all its $29.99 might. I'm just happy I'm not in Dunedin . they probably grow a freaky new layer of fat to cope with the magnitude of cold down there.
Meanwhile I have exams to study for and radio shows to plan. Chow! and maybe I'll make a post. Eventually I will.

I have no idea how to embed
Saturday, May 17, 2008
Like I actually have time to write a blog
The Science of Love
Our attraction was purely physical
yet there was some chemistry between us
our biology said we weren't made for each other
but it was the stars in the sky that told me
you rock my soul
Monday, May 12, 2008
No rest for the wicked
Did you know that your 'poos' are brown because they are blood cells being broken down as waste? There used to be a disease where your poos go blue as one of the symptoms. One of the late queens have/used to have it (I think? it's not completely verifiable). And pukeko's have babies with each other communally in a big fat happy cult . Some even breed with members of their own family and have babies with 3 eyes (hypothetically). Wouldn't it be bliss if you were the queen of an insect colony? With male drones to cater to your every whim, rear your young and deliver food to your mouth? A 21st century girls dream :D
But no the real reason I am blogging is to escape from sweet sweet learning and push my essay deadline further than it can go. Currently I have a makeshift pile of homework piled high to my neck reminding me that life is cruel and school is hard and merciless. At least New Zealand is like 2 years behind international standards. It warms my heart to know I am ignorant beneath this flimsy facade of fake knowledge and that children my age have stunted growth from lack of sleep due to Nazi teachers and an unforgiving educational system. They have no time to play group social sports, join culture groups, compete in interschool competitions, contribute to the community, spend time with their family, have a social life, catch up with the latest in pop culture, play video games, be frivolous and embrace the freedom of youth, badger parents constantly, and most importantly write blogs and use social networking sites to conquer the small textual cyberworld!!!
*sigh* I love being at home
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
Tickle my phalanges
I have braces.
Saturday, May 3, 2008
Boys can be smart too!
Traditionally girls filled the role of clean-cut, organised scholarly worker, excelling in NCEA where boys don't, being diligent and prepared where boys relied on on-the-spot knowledge. But in scholarship exams boys narrow the gap only marginally, proving either their maturity developing later than girls or that NCEA wasn't made with equality in mind.
"And the head of a successful all- boys college says single-sex education better serves boys because their self-belief is not dented by seeing girls win more awards."
That man is speaking the pure and somewhat sexist truth. Boys do perform better at single sex schools. And not just because they feel defeated by the more inferior gender being their superior at academics, they're distracted by girls and avoid looking like a 'geek' or a 'suck-up' in front of them. Boys from single sex schools are more likely to choose the more traditionally 'feminine' subjects such as foreign languages, domestic classes (cooking & sewing), arts, and social sciences without the risk of insecurity of being labelled 'soft' by their girlier peers. Same goes for girls from single sex schools and 'masculine' subjects such as hard sciences, maths, computing, engineering and constructions, graphics, and technology subjects.
"Girls consistently outperform boys at all three levels of the National Certificate of Educational Achievement, but latest Scholarship figures show the top male pupils are fighting back.
Boys won 1505 Scholarships last year – just 24 fewer than girls – and three boys-only schools feature in the top 10 colleges for scholarship results."
The difference between NCEA and scholarships mainly is that Scholarship exams actually offer monentary scholarships. This is an incentive to work hard and get to the reward before others do which creates a ground of competition, which boys strive in (testosterone pumping in their bloodstreams, a subtle bead of sweat sweeping across the expression of intense concentration raising wrinkles on the premature brow)
"Scholarship exams, as opposed to the growing internally assessed component of NCEA, suited boys' competitive streak, he said.
"I think also there's an element of boys maturing later. Girls tend to be better organisers. I think boys respond more often to short, sharp challenges."
"Boys are competitive in spirit. They enjoy exams rather than the standards-based model [of NCEA]."
Boys responded better in an all- boys environment that encouraged them to aim for the top and believe in themselves. "In a co-educational environment they constantly see girls or young women going up to receive awards. It is actually a put- down to them in their thinking. That's excluded in an all-male environment," he said."
So the conclusion is that boys can be insanely smart, but only if they try? But watch out near the end of 6th form... Come 7th form those gangly awkward boys with a knack for programming calculators will become power-mad grade stealers. Not to fret though, at a co-ed school many tantalising distractions lurk in every dark mildew infested corner *evil look*
-From the girl who can never find time to study
Friday, May 2, 2008
Just wondering..
Atlantis Squarepantis
They finally made a movie (ish feature) with Atlantis in it!!!!! Although it is quite bland even for Spongebob. I blame it on Derek Drymon he made Spongebob dry. But David Bowie's in it so it makes up for lack of plot and conflict (just like the original movie) everything needs a wikipedia article to accompany it :P I would have included the wikipedia article on me in my profile, except it doesn't exist...
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Where does orange juice come from? A plastic bottle from the refrigerator, from a shelf at the supermarket put there by the cute grocery boy, in a factory, from a blender bought from a homeshopping infomercial never touched and collecting dust.
Do you look to every coming day and wish desperately that the sun will rise so we can all wake up? It's inevitable isn't it? How would you know if it didn't?
Sometimes we have to take our iPods out of our ears and hear the vibrations of everything around us. Try to make a meal completely from scratch: grow your own wheat, grind your own flour, get your own eggs, curdle your own milk to butter, farm your own honey...... And maybe it'll seem a lot easier than ordering pizza by text.
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
I want to retire!
Well I'm halfway there in the way that I can't eat solids and my memory's as good as a gnat. I spent half an hour looking for my mobile phone yesterday to find it was attached to my neck :P
I'm beginning to resent taking those premolars out. It was $150 for 10 minutes of the actual extraction and an hour in the waiting room with nothing but old women magazines and brooding suspense. My mouth constantly tastes like blood (morbid) and my other teeth have formed a furry top layer from lack of brushing. While I'm sadly eating mushy potatoes and soup I repeat the mantra in my head that this is for cosmetic purposes... it will help me get a nice job one day... with paid holiday leave... and maternity leave... and medical insurance.........................
So I will make use of my current youth and do what youth do best, procrastinate and complain. Chow!
Eww holidays are so bleak
A few overcast and equally bleak days passed and I got 2 premolars yanked out of me by a sadistic moustached man who controls the suffering of his victims with legal torture weapons. They don't call it a murderhouse for nothing I guess. A dentist invented the first electric chair, the execution one that is. While I was lying venerable with my pupils bleaching in the blinding light contemplating why dentists have the highest suicide rates (I can't actually confirm that) my executioner went for a coffee... When he came back my bottom lip felt as swollen as a pig's stomach and I lost all feeling in it. I wonder if he enjoyed himself chuckling under his moustache that probably harbours disease after poking a hole in my gum to see if it was numb. If anyone ever told you dental surgery was delicate and precise they lied to you. He practically plied my tooth out of me taking hold with both hands moving it to and fro as if my tooth was a leaky tap. The dental assistant had piercings all over her face and didn't look as if she made the transition between teenagehood
I left with a handicapped mouth that i couldn't even control enough to ask for a tissue. He read my mind and gave me one with a lovely final word which warmed my heart "here's a tissue incase you drool all over yourself" his smile was the radiant sunshine of my day so I returned an equally radiating smile as a gesture of my thankfulness.
This reminds me of a quote from a movie I saw recently (I think it was Juno): "Doctors are sadists who like to play God and watch lesser people suffer" I'm sure going to have a lot of fun when I be a doctor. It'll be like butchering except with people involved - even better!
Friday, April 25, 2008
One in 10 Kiwis eyeing Aussie
-Maybe it's time for a change in government?
Stretching my new Blogging Legs
- Its fun
- Its easy
- It fills in spare time
- Its good for procrastinating schoolwork
- Keeps you in tune with the thoughts of run-of-the-mill people
- Keeps you in tune with the thoughts of highbrow celebrities
- A creative outlet
- Exercises basic literacy skills
- Might make me rich one day
- I can fit in with all the 'in' teenagers of the 21st century!
The time is: 10:35PM
Currently the location is: Lily's bedroom on her bed at her laptop which is propped on a large white cushion. The surroundings are messy with books and clothes lying around where they shouldn't be, and Lily is grieving for the end of her MS Word 2007 trial that she hardly used. OpenOffice isn't nearly half as flash but I guess one shouldn't expect anything spectacular from anything free :P still, it works and Documents Words which was the purpose in the first place. Still, I'll miss WordArt and the anthropomorophic paperclip that gave me nightmares and visions of its demented face. He never really answered my questions. I asked him where the toilet was and he responded with the blue screen of death every computer user fears.
I have RealPlayer mail! How queer, I'm not even connected to the internet, did the mail just piece together out of thin air? I swear downloading RealPlayer added at least another minute to my laptop startup time, making a comfy fit onto the crowded system tray. I wish I knew how to fiddle with the settings so I have nothing on my system tray to lag up the startup. Heck I wish I had a newer, prettier laptop. That's how loyal I am! *cause I am a material girl? *
There isn't even a paperclip anymore, its an inanimate pixellated picture of a sun without a face or anything on it to indicate life. I don't want a hot flaming ball of gas to help me figure out what is wrong with my typing. The graphical layout is shockingly bland. You'd think since it's open source everyone would have teared at it with downloadable skins, taskbars, widgets, etc but no it resembles MS Word maybe 5,10 years ago. I don't actually know if it has customisable skins yet but let's check anyway :P
I didn't find any prospect of skin customisation, or I'm just a slack looker, but on the brightside I've added a new Word Count button onto the toolbar next to spell check. It says here I've written (or typed) 367 Words. Now 370. Now 372. Now 374. Now 376...................... That's not actually that much it's like half a good essay and about a third of a Cambridge essay. Which reminds me regrettedly of my half-witted job on my first Cambridge essay. I wrote a third of it the night before it was due, all except the last paragraph and the conclusion in the morning, and the rest in form class/ first period english which was as good as drivel taken from a drunk under hypnosis. My textual analysis skills aren't that super good especially not by itself without any aid. The poem's not even that good. VM Jones did better in Shooting The Moon which was supposed to be by a 14 year old. I guess they're just different contexts. Ah well. Hopefully I get more than 10 marks out of 25. Fingers crossed as tight as pretzels.. 517 words... :)