Sunday, October 26, 2008

Last post in.... July! *blinks*

That makes it.... 4 months ago! Joy! And I haven't been away from the computer or internet so I can rule that excuse out for not posting.

I'm now 17 years of age, not that it really makes a difference to my maturity level. I've still got the yoyo body clock: speaking of which, my amount of relative sleep each night of the week just past varied from 4 hours a night to 13 hours. Surprisingly last night I got a pretty staple 8 hours and I woke up with the most massive headache, like someone had taken a well sharpened rock and brought it down on the top of my head as if they were a clever primate opening a nut.

How many weeks are left till NCEA exams? Not sure. That's how awareness I have of time and other things that generally require a brain. Wait I'll check the calendar beside my bed (wahwahwaaahhhh noise of disappointment) ........................ exactamundo 4 weeks from today! I'm panicking. Really.

Somehow I don't think its really sunk in that an entire year's worth of work comes down to these few weeks and they're the sole opportunity in which you can prove your intelligence to the scrutiny of the world. Not that I had any intelligence anyway.


Dear blog,

I hate my life *slitslit* I wish poor people can be friends with rich people *slitslit* I want there to be less mistreatment of animals *slitslit* People place too much emphasis on appearances nowadays *slitslit* my parents wont let me get a car *SLITSLIT*

AFTERNOTE: by the way i dont actually slit my wrists its just an over dramatisation to attract attention.


What's happened in the last 4 months?? it seems to have flown by so fast, like businessmen on the main street during their lunchbreak. What have I accomplished? The usuals: eating, sleeping, drinking... curing world hunger, discovering a cure for cancer, finding an inexhaustible source of energy...... maybe not the last one: that'll take jobs away from people :P
I was watching Beauty and the Geek last night (which was season 4), and I'll admit to having watched the first season hosted by Ashton Kutcher; but even though this is the most 'deep' subject matter MTV has ever based a reality tv show on its still got the essense of every reality tv, that is, stereotypes and shallow sexist ideals that don't even apply to society!!! It suggests that only males are geeks, and even they can be sought after by pneumatic blondes for their obsessive intelligence and pipe bomb social skills. It's a shock to everyone when, in season 4, they introduce a female 'geek' and a male poser, but she's not even a rocket scientist or anything shes a musicologist . We know secretly all the rocker boys love the girls with thick rimmed glasses , quiet intuitive contemplation, and an IQ to boast about.

- The ones who are most critical of society are usually the ones who can't fit in it

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