Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Procrastination and other facts of life

I have an exam tomorrow
Not just any exam
But a Cambridge exam
the exam for those who are elite
and privelleged enough to take it.

Currantly I'm in my mother's study, supposedly studying but failing. Fail is an interesting word, it can rouse anxiety and despair in some, while others revel in using it ---> see for an example. I'd rather not fail if all possible, it would mean being on the lower half of the bell curve where 50% of the rest of the population lie, which is mediocre. And I'd rather not be associated with mediocrity, I'd rather not that whenever others think of me the word mediocre is the first word to pop up in their heads instead of much more favourable words like pioneer, or belligerent, or girl. I'd rather not be famed as "most likely to be mediocre" in the school yearbook.

Moral of the story? Don't try unless you know you'll succeed?

There's a disturbing amount of dust on this keyboard of my mothers. I'll be sure to tell her that.

The 7th formers in my bio class were talking about graduating which is something which I won't experience for another 2 years... not sure whether that's a good thing or not cause I'd looove to escape right now and be free, but then when I really think about it I'd have to cook and clean for myself, and actually pay for things which is not the most pleasant thing. The thing is, I like living with my parents who do every thing for me which leaves me with more time to procrastinate and write pointless blogs like this one. Ahh, such bliss is teenagehood, the turbulent transition between an idyllic childhood and a harsh but liberal adulthood . We know that the world sucks but we can't do anything about it, we're trapped in a little box of parental expectations and limited social experiences.

BTW everyone's obsessed with the Twilight series! I'll have to add it to my list of books to read along with Gone with the Wind, Pride and Prejudice, The Time Traveller's Wife, and an innumerable amount more, like Kerri's Mum's book about the Children of God which I still haven't read yet. If you're reading this Kerri, I'll return it to you possibly in the next few months or years.

-Procrastination - stress from doing nothing

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