Monday, May 12, 2008

No rest for the wicked

Yes the term is well and truly under way and phew I must say being submerged into the sea of academia is anything but relaxing. Its enough to make you nauseous and give you spontaneous gastric reflux. But ah enough of the creepy biological terminology to make you squirm...
Did you know that your 'poos' are brown because they are blood cells being broken down as waste? There used to be a disease where your poos go blue as one of the symptoms. One of the late queens have/used to have it (I think? it's not completely verifiable). And pukeko's have babies with each other communally in a big fat happy cult . Some even breed with members of their own family and have babies with 3 eyes (hypothetically). Wouldn't it be bliss if you were the queen of an insect colony? With male drones to cater to your every whim, rear your young and deliver food to your mouth? A 21st century girls dream :D

But no the real reason I am blogging is to escape from sweet sweet learning and push my essay deadline further than it can go. Currently I have a makeshift pile of homework piled high to my neck reminding me that life is cruel and school is hard and merciless. At least New Zealand is like 2 years behind international standards. It warms my heart to know I am ignorant beneath this flimsy facade of fake knowledge and that children my age have stunted growth from lack of sleep due to Nazi teachers and an unforgiving educational system. They have no time to play group social sports, join culture groups, compete in interschool competitions, contribute to the community, spend time with their family, have a social life, catch up with the latest in pop culture, play video games, be frivolous and embrace the freedom of youth, badger parents constantly, and most importantly write blogs and use social networking sites to conquer the small textual cyberworld!!!

*sigh* I love being at home

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