Thursday, May 29, 2008

That was a brief hiatus

Yes I am back real-fast-like cause I stumbled on this on the featured page: women in science. Women are underrepresented in science. Yes. But why do the more successful ones faintly and distantly (I'm trying not to get e-bashed [I made that up its a neologism {or coinage depending on which english teacher you had ...HEY triple paranthesis!}]) resemble the other sex? Apart from that Pardis Sabeti but she's young and an anthropologist (irrepectful scoff).

And wow! I never knew this existed but it'll probably come to MTV soon:
The Big Bang Theory is a sitcom that features a couple of socially awkward yet brilliant male physics postdocs who live across the hall from a sociable "blond bombshell" actress/waitress of "average intellect." And of course one of the geeky geniuses finds love with his hot non-genius neighbor.

Yay! Kinda reminiscient of the Beauty-and-the-Geek related series. I feel sorry for the blonde. Leonard, plyaed by Johnny Galecki, is the experimentalist who longs for [actress/waitress] Penny and has a disastrous fling with Leslie, a brilliant labmate, who spends part of their tryst correcting an equation. In the episode in which Leonard firs asks Leslie for a date – "a biosocial exploration with a neurochemical overlay," he calls it – the two test how long it takes a powerful lab laser to heat up soup.

And biology is still the field of choice in science for women :( it would be interesting to see more girly faces in maths computers and physics halls of fames.

But! More good hot steaming stuff to dig into if you're into it: there is a bio blog ! for secondary students to look at if they like bio and want to do it at University level. Stuff from extinct Tasmanian Tiger DNA to larger than life frogs , I can't be more into 'life' than this!

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