Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Technically, I should be studying

To kickstart my first lot of exams tomorrow I decided to browse the wider cyberspace for oddities instead of focussing on past NZQA turd-write on standard based achievement (no offense to youTrevor Mallard, but we sometimes feed our mouldy leftover bread to your cousins at the lake)

Oh no!!!! I left the heater on without realising! I swear one side of my face is roasting without my slightest slice of consciousness.

I contemplate why we had bothered with school today, the day wedged between a public holiday and the start of two weeks of pen-to-paper, mind evaporating into thin air rituals. But I've learnt something we won't be externally or internally assessed for today. In chemistry I learnt that moonshine is brewed from potatoes , in English I learnt the corner of grey st and clyde st didn't used to be a patch of bare land fenced off, someone bought the area and cut the old trees that was part of the heritage trail; and my maths teacher gave me a recipe for lemon grilled fish!

I come home and find I forgot to turn my laptop off and it had drained all its battery in 'emergency save mode' . I managed to recover the websites I was looking at over the weekend after spending the day at Fabric and Curtain barn :P

http://www.stuff.co.nz/4526370a4621.html are 'Ginger jibes' as bad as racism? Or should Simply Red stop pouting and get over it? Are the Gingers a race? And most importantly: do they have souls?
http://www.firebox.com/product/1109/Voodoo-Knife-Block I just love this website hehe Periodic table curtains, a banana guard, Freudian slippers, global warming mug, solar powered pot plants, hoodies for dogs, stuffed microbes, people who go into enterprise school and come out with too much spare time and no stable job! But none of these ultra cool inventions can beat the sheer usefulness of a shewee http://www.shewee.co.nz/ - enter at your own peril :P

My friend DOMini*cough* Kurt was dangerously close to making me think about the poisons of humanity and the wrongs of my every action. I felt every fibre in my body agree with him, while I snacked on my mini-pack of maltesers, crept closer to the heater and sent a text message. Yah consumerism sux. but u kno wot else sux? being rich and hot! its so hard! ppl r just so jelous !

I guess I should return to my revision. The digital clock is ticking to 8.30 tomorrow and my page should be filled with ray diagrams, not scribbles of lemon grilled fish .


1 comment:

Kotassium said...

''In chemistry I learnt that moonshine is brewed from potatoes , in English I learnt the corner of grey st and clyde st didn't used to be a patch of bare land fenced off, someone bought the area and cut the old trees that was part of the heritage trail; and my maths teacher gave me a recipe for lemon grilled fish!''

I remember that day. That was the day Chem teacher taught us all the different alcoholic beverages, then realised in the midst of his disappointment, that it was a little futile, because everyone knew alcohol.