Friday, April 25, 2008


Today is: 24 April 2008
The time is: 10:35PM
Currently the location is: Lily's bedroom on her bed at her laptop which is propped on a large white cushion. The surroundings are messy with books and clothes lying around where they shouldn't be, and Lily is grieving for the end of her MS Word 2007 trial that she hardly used. OpenOffice isn't nearly half as flash but I guess one shouldn't expect anything spectacular from anything free :P still, it works and Documents Words which was the purpose in the first place. Still, I'll miss WordArt and the anthropomorophic paperclip that gave me nightmares and visions of its demented face. He never really answered my questions. I asked him where the toilet was and he responded with the blue screen of death every computer user fears.
I have RealPlayer mail! How queer, I'm not even connected to the internet, did the mail just piece together out of thin air? I swear downloading RealPlayer added at least another minute to my laptop startup time, making a comfy fit onto the crowded system tray. I wish I knew how to fiddle with the settings so I have nothing on my system tray to lag up the startup. Heck I wish I had a newer, prettier laptop. That's how loyal I am! *cause I am a material girl? *
There isn't even a paperclip anymore, its an inanimate pixellated picture of a sun without a face or anything on it to indicate life. I don't want a hot flaming ball of gas to help me figure out what is wrong with my typing. The graphical layout is shockingly bland. You'd think since it's open source everyone would have teared at it with downloadable skins, taskbars, widgets, etc but no it resembles MS Word maybe 5,10 years ago. I don't actually know if it has customisable skins yet but let's check anyway :P
I didn't find any prospect of skin customisation, or I'm just a slack looker, but on the brightside I've added a new Word Count button onto the toolbar next to spell check. It says here I've written (or typed) 367 Words. Now 370. Now 372. Now 374. Now 376...................... That's not actually that much it's like half a good essay and about a third of a Cambridge essay. Which reminds me regrettedly of my half-witted job on my first Cambridge essay. I wrote a third of it the night before it was due, all except the last paragraph and the conclusion in the morning, and the rest in form class/ first period english which was as good as drivel taken from a drunk under hypnosis. My textual analysis skills aren't that super good especially not by itself without any aid. The poem's not even that good. VM Jones did better in Shooting The Moon which was supposed to be by a 14 year old. I guess they're just different contexts. Ah well. Hopefully I get more than 10 marks out of 25. Fingers crossed as tight as pretzels.. 517 words... :)

1 comment:

Kotassium said...

I very much love this blog, very much indeed...
[Cambridge essay, LAUGH MY BUT-TOX off]