Thursday, May 29, 2008

That was a brief hiatus

Yes I am back real-fast-like cause I stumbled on this on the featured page: women in science. Women are underrepresented in science. Yes. But why do the more successful ones faintly and distantly (I'm trying not to get e-bashed [I made that up its a neologism {or coinage depending on which english teacher you had ...HEY triple paranthesis!}]) resemble the other sex? Apart from that Pardis Sabeti but she's young and an anthropologist (irrepectful scoff).

And wow! I never knew this existed but it'll probably come to MTV soon:
The Big Bang Theory is a sitcom that features a couple of socially awkward yet brilliant male physics postdocs who live across the hall from a sociable "blond bombshell" actress/waitress of "average intellect." And of course one of the geeky geniuses finds love with his hot non-genius neighbor.

Yay! Kinda reminiscient of the Beauty-and-the-Geek related series. I feel sorry for the blonde. Leonard, plyaed by Johnny Galecki, is the experimentalist who longs for [actress/waitress] Penny and has a disastrous fling with Leslie, a brilliant labmate, who spends part of their tryst correcting an equation. In the episode in which Leonard firs asks Leslie for a date – "a biosocial exploration with a neurochemical overlay," he calls it – the two test how long it takes a powerful lab laser to heat up soup.

And biology is still the field of choice in science for women :( it would be interesting to see more girly faces in maths computers and physics halls of fames.

But! More good hot steaming stuff to dig into if you're into it: there is a bio blog ! for secondary students to look at if they like bio and want to do it at University level. Stuff from extinct Tasmanian Tiger DNA to larger than life frogs , I can't be more into 'life' than this!

Life is...

a box of chocolates, one day you get a pimple breakout, the next chronic toothache. But you can always look forward to the end of the day when the empty box of chocolates stares back at you and reminds you someone cares enough about you to send you one (provided you didn't buy that all for yourself, fatty).

While procrastinating a billion of things I dug up an old photo of myself someway thru last year under good lighting so my skin isn't a twister mat of spots and without metal in my mouth. although the pose is questionable....

Who am I talking to?

And as the weather outside gets colder the electricity bills skyrocket, so does the price of fresh fruit and veg. How do they expect us to get enough vit C, D, K, A, zzzzzzzzzzzzz... to up our immune systems if we could buy some pills for that for probably cheaper. As I'm typing makeshift icicles are forming on the end of my fingers and my Warehouse column heater creaks with all its $29.99 might. I'm just happy I'm not in Dunedin . they probably grow a freaky new layer of fat to cope with the magnitude of cold down there.

Meanwhile I have exams to study for and radio shows to plan. Chow! and maybe I'll make a post. Eventually I will.

I have no idea how to embed

But I came across this and thought it was hillarious! beats the super mario bros anyday

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Like I actually have time to write a blog

So I'll paste this lovely rhetoric I made up last year while procrastinating my first lot of NCEA examinations. This is dedicated to my favourite biology teacher, Brett-any! May your dreams be filled with floating punnet squares and your breakfasts be dominated with trophic levels.

The Science of Love

Our attraction was purely physical
yet there was some chemistry between us
our biology said we weren't made for each other
but it was the stars in the sky that told me
you rock my soul

Monday, May 12, 2008

No rest for the wicked

Yes the term is well and truly under way and phew I must say being submerged into the sea of academia is anything but relaxing. Its enough to make you nauseous and give you spontaneous gastric reflux. But ah enough of the creepy biological terminology to make you squirm...
Did you know that your 'poos' are brown because they are blood cells being broken down as waste? There used to be a disease where your poos go blue as one of the symptoms. One of the late queens have/used to have it (I think? it's not completely verifiable). And pukeko's have babies with each other communally in a big fat happy cult . Some even breed with members of their own family and have babies with 3 eyes (hypothetically). Wouldn't it be bliss if you were the queen of an insect colony? With male drones to cater to your every whim, rear your young and deliver food to your mouth? A 21st century girls dream :D

But no the real reason I am blogging is to escape from sweet sweet learning and push my essay deadline further than it can go. Currently I have a makeshift pile of homework piled high to my neck reminding me that life is cruel and school is hard and merciless. At least New Zealand is like 2 years behind international standards. It warms my heart to know I am ignorant beneath this flimsy facade of fake knowledge and that children my age have stunted growth from lack of sleep due to Nazi teachers and an unforgiving educational system. They have no time to play group social sports, join culture groups, compete in interschool competitions, contribute to the community, spend time with their family, have a social life, catch up with the latest in pop culture, play video games, be frivolous and embrace the freedom of youth, badger parents constantly, and most importantly write blogs and use social networking sites to conquer the small textual cyberworld!!!

*sigh* I love being at home

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Tickle my phalanges

I have had absolutely no time for anything in the past few days so currently I have enough time for a quick update.

I have braces.

Saturday, May 3, 2008

Boys can be smart too!

Here's the story

Traditionally girls filled the role of clean-cut, organised scholarly worker, excelling in NCEA where boys don't, being diligent and prepared where boys relied on on-the-spot knowledge. But in scholarship exams boys narrow the gap only marginally, proving either their maturity developing later than girls or that NCEA wasn't made with equality in mind.

"And the head of a successful all- boys college says single-sex education better serves boys because their self-belief is not dented by seeing girls win more awards."

That man is speaking the pure and somewhat sexist truth. Boys do perform better at single sex schools. And not just because they feel defeated by the more inferior gender being their superior at academics, they're distracted by girls and avoid looking like a 'geek' or a 'suck-up' in front of them. Boys from single sex schools are more likely to choose the more traditionally 'feminine' subjects such as foreign languages, domestic classes (cooking & sewing), arts, and social sciences without the risk of insecurity of being labelled 'soft' by their girlier peers. Same goes for girls from single sex schools and 'masculine' subjects such as hard sciences, maths, computing, engineering and constructions, graphics, and technology subjects.

"Girls consistently outperform boys at all three levels of the National Certificate of Educational Achievement, but latest Scholarship figures show the top male pupils are fighting back.
Boys won 1505 Scholarships last year – just 24 fewer than girls – and three boys-only schools feature in the top 10 colleges for scholarship results."

The difference between NCEA and scholarships mainly is that Scholarship exams actually offer monentary scholarships. This is an incentive to work hard and get to the reward before others do which creates a ground of competition, which boys strive in (testosterone pumping in their bloodstreams, a subtle bead of sweat sweeping across the expression of intense concentration raising wrinkles on the premature brow)

"Scholarship exams, as opposed to the growing internally assessed component of NCEA, suited boys' competitive streak, he said.
"I think also there's an element of boys maturing later. Girls tend to be better organisers. I think boys respond more often to short, sharp challenges."
"Boys are competitive in spirit. They enjoy exams rather than the standards-based model [of NCEA]."
Boys responded better in an all- boys environment that encouraged them to aim for the top and believe in themselves. "In a co-educational environment they constantly see girls or young women going up to receive awards. It is actually a put- down to them in their thinking. That's excluded in an all-male environment," he said."

So the conclusion is that boys can be insanely smart, but only if they try? But watch out near the end of 6th form... Come 7th form those gangly awkward boys with a knack for programming calculators will become power-mad grade stealers. Not to fret though, at a co-ed school many tantalising distractions lurk in every dark mildew infested corner *evil look*

-From the girl who can never find time to study

Friday, May 2, 2008

Just wondering..

Did anyone catch the super special tv screened movie version of Spongebob? On Nickelodeon channel at exactly 5pm yesterday after 25 back to back episodes from reverse alphabetical order of their titles ending with A which was the movie feature? I woke up especially for it.

Atlantis Squarepantis

They finally made a movie (ish feature) with Atlantis in it!!!!! Although it is quite bland even for Spongebob. I blame it on Derek Drymon he made Spongebob dry. But David Bowie's in it so it makes up for lack of plot and conflict (just like the original movie) everything needs a wikipedia article to accompany it :P I would have included the wikipedia article on me in my profile, except it doesn't exist...

I heart blogs

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